Conti Espresso Machines
Conti Espresso machines

Conti have been hand crafting their espresso machines in Monaco since 1957.
They are committed to building exceptional espresso machines and over 80% of components are still manufactured within the Monaco plant. They are backed by an excellent 24 month parts warranty which shows their confidence in the build quality.
We offer a full sales and support service for all Conti products and can create tailored packages with grinders, water filtration, installation and warranty to suit your needs.
Our machine of choice within their range is the X-One TCI. It offers excellent value for money and although it is a single boiler machine (with PDI temperature control) it uses a clever mixing system of cold water into the hot water system to allow excellent temperature stability and temperature control.
For more information on each specific Conti machine please download the brochures on the Conti Website or have a look at the individual product link below:
Conti NG-C (coming soon)