
Some of the best Arabica coffee varietals are grown in Nicaragua, such as Bourbon, Typica, Catimor and Caturra. Discover more about Nicaragua's history, processing methods and flavours.


The journey of Nicaraguan coffee, starting in 1795, has been marked by resilience against adversities such as earthquakes and political conflicts. Today, the industry flourishes, largely thanks to shade-grown Arabica varieties like Bourbon and Catimor, cultivated in fertile volcanic soil at high altitudes, sustaining a significant portion of the workforce.

There are many different farm types in Nicaragua from small hold producers working with co-operatives or groups to large estate farms under private ownership. 

Processing Methods

In Nicaragua, coffee processing varies, with natural drying and the prevalent washed method being the most common. The honey process is also used, where the cherry's outer layer is removed, leaving a sticky mucilage. Experimental methods, like yeast fermentation, have produced intriguing flavours.

Flavour Profiles

Nicaraguan coffee offers a diverse flavour range, depending on the processing method. High-quality naturals and honey processed coffees exhibit juicy fruit notes, while washed coffees present a balanced profile with medium acidity, featuring chocolate and nut flavours. Experimental processes can produce unique flavours like rum, pineapple, and coconut.

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