Don Eli micro-mill

The Don Eli micro mill is owned by the Monetero family and is located between San Marco and Santa Maria, Tarrazu. We've been working directly with the Moneterro family for over 5 years. They process incredible coffees from their farms at the Don Eli Micro.




1650-2000 masl


Catuai, SL28, Geisha, Typica

Meet The Producers

Carlos Montero has been producing fantastic coffees from his own farms for many years and was one of the pioneers of the small independent micro mill. Carlos bought his first farm after saving up working in restaurants in the USA. He first worked as a member of a local co-operative selling coffee cherry to be processed as part of a regional blend.

In 2014 he set up his own mill that now produces fantastic natural, honey, and washed coffees under the family name. Carlos has three children, Marianela, Jacob and Maria Jose. Marianela is the co-founder of Selva coffee and Jacob is in charge of post-harvest processing. 

The image to the left shows Jacob working with the Penago eco-pulper producing honey processed coffee ready for drying on raised tables.

Harvesting & Processing

Carlos owns several farms located in and around the area. These farms planted with several different varietals kept seperate to allow them to process microlots from single varietals.

During the harvest a team of regular pickers will ensure that only perfectly ripe cherry is selected. Jacob will then process these using one of many different methods. The Monterro family have become experts at alternative, complex processsing methods that include anaerobic fermentation, honey and natural processing.

Every year they produce a range of coffees for us that include honey and natural processing. Perhaps the most interesting is their two stage fermented washed coffee, something not often found in Costa Rica.