
Liza washing station is owned by Jean Paul. We have been buying his coffee on a direct relationship basis since 2018. He is a second-generation coffee farmer who has worked for many years as an agronomy consultant both in Rwanda and the Congo.




1600+ masl


Red Bourbon

Meet The Producers

Jean Paul has a farm with about 6000 trees and he processes coffee from his own farm and from several hundred local small hold farmers within the community. The quality he produces is outstanding and this is due to his dedication and commitment to training local farmers and focusing on very careful hand sorting at the washing station. Jean-Paul produces a variety of different micro-lots specifically for us, these include washed coffees and bespoke experimental process coffees.  

Harvesting & Processing

Small-hold farmers deliver coffee daily during the harvest period (March to June). Depending on the size of their farm, they usually deliver up to 100 kg.

Washed process: After delivery coffee is floated in water. The coffee is then pulped to remove the fruit and fermented dry in tanks for about 12 hrs. After fermentation, the coffee is washed and graded in channels to remove mucilage and to separate coffee by density. It is then moved to raised tables to dry.

The first drying stage is done undercover to allow hand sorting to take place and gentle drying to avoid parchment cracking. After 48hrs of shade drying the coffee is moved to raised tables to dry in the sun until reaching 12% moisture. After the coffee has dried it is stored in a cool stored room and samples are sent away to be roasted, cupped and graded in Rwanda and also sent to us to be sampled. The coffee will then be dry milled, which is a process that involves removing the parchment layer and further sorting to remove defects.

Natural process: After delivery, the coffee is hand-sorted and floated in water to remove defects. The coffee is then laid out to dry on raised tables and turned regularly to ensure even drying. Carbonic/anaerobic naturals are fermented in sealed containers before being dried on tables.