Colombia - El Silencio Panela
Varietal – Pink Bourbon
Preparation – Two stage extended ferment washed
Location – Palestina Huila
Altitude – 1700-2200 masl
This is a stunning high-cup score micro-lot produced from Pink Bourbon varietal trees grown by small-hold farmers at high altitudes in Colombia. Pink Bourbon is a rare varietal that has become well-known for producing incredible flavours.
EL Silencio Panela is a collective lot of the hard work of 5 farmers from the municipality of Palestina. Palestina region is known for many agricultural products, Sugar cane is one of them. Panela is a type of unrefined whole cane sugar commonly used in Latin America, particularly in Colombia and Venezuela. It is made by boiling and evaporating sugarcane juice until it thickens and solidifies into a compact block or cone-shaped mass. In terms of flavour profile, panela has a distinct caramel-like taste with hints of molasses. The producers gave this micro-lot the name 'Panela' due to the perceived similarity in the flavour profile.

Palestina municipality is located in the southern part of Huila state. The area is surrounded by mountains and also national parks, including “Cueva De Los Guacharos” which crosses Huila to the states of Caquetá and Putumayo. The microclimate in the municipality of Palestine is perfectly suited to grow coffee that has the potential for very high cup scores.
Harvesting and Processing:
- The freshly picked cherries are dry fermented for 12hrs.
- The coffee is pulped to remove the outer skin and some of the mucilage.
- The coffee is fermented for a second time for 24 hours in tanks soaked in water
- Coffee is washed and dried on raised beds.
Tasting Notes: